Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Assembling the Stereo Tube Amplifier

The S5 16LS Tube Amp is a two channels class AB amplifier.
There are four 6005 tubes at each output stage. They operate at parallel push-pull (PPP) configuration. This topology provides 16 Wrms per channel.
To excitate the grids of the 6005 tubes there are two double triodes (5670 tubes).

Optionally a preamplifier with tone control can be connected to the amp. I decide to use to use the called TL Stereo Tube Tone Control (s5electronics.com) to get adjustable bass and treble. This tone control has two channels adjustable RC filters implementing low/high pass filters (bass/trable) and preamps (5670 double triode tube).

Both the "S5 16LS Tube Amp Kit" and the "S5 TL Stereo Tube Tone Control Kit" come with good assembly instructions and tips. They can be ready to operate in a few hours of assembly work.

Figures below sumarize the assembly steps of my 16LS Tube Amp Kit.

Just low power resistor installed.
 Power resistors, tube sockets and RCA connectors installed.
 Power resistor spaced up off the circuit board.
Capacitors, rectifier bridge (there is no tubes on power source), pot and fuse clips installed.
 Banana conectors and cables from transformers installed.
Ready to instal the tubes and power on.
 Power on! No smoke, no explosion!
Initially I had problems with frequency oscillations. Then I remade the grounding connections at the output transformer feet and the oscillations disappeared.

My first impressions: clear and original sound. Very good!

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